In today’s world it is not uncommon for couples to decide to start a family in their late 30’s or even 40’s. They invest the time needed to establish a solid career, build a home, and save a little nest egg. Everything they need to welcome home ‘baby’. However, with this positive preparation comes a down-side; age. Young men and women are often poorly informed about the impact of age on fertility after the age of 30. Although women’s bodies are made to sustain pregnancy later in life, advanced age wreaks havoc on their egg quality. And men? Yes. Aging has a negative impact on male fertility as well, with decreasing sperm count and quality.
However, having a child later in life is not impossible, nor does it even have to be daunting. Advances in fertility treatments for older couples are being made by leaps and bounds. One option that is showing increasing promise is a vitamin-like substance called Coenzyme Q10, or “CoQ10” for short.
CoQ10 naturally occurs within the cells of our bodies and acts as a source of fuel for the mitochondria (the organelles inside the cells that convert energy for the cells to use). CoQ10 is produced in the form of ‘ubiquinone’ and then our bodies naturally convert it to the form ‘Ubiquinol’. CoQ10 is also an antioxidant that helps protect every cell within our body from damage caused by free radicals – unstable molecules that can damage cell structures. Science has documented that each cell within our body is attacked up to 10,000 times a day by free radicals. However, as we age, our CoQ10 levels decrease. We lose our ability to produce and metabolize ubiquinone to Ubiquinol. Our energy levels plummet and our bodies no longer have the front-line stores to combat cellular damage. Studies have shown that this becomes most noticeable around the age of 40, but can happen as young as the age of 20. You can see why a proper level of CoQ10 is so important.
So what does that mean for someone trying to have a child? The process of firing up the baby-making factory and starting normal embryo development requires a lot of energy. Without CoQ10 your cells have no energy. Without energy there is no life. This is where CoQ10 supplementation may help. Older eggs will benefit from a boost in energy production. The egg quality will be increased as well, allowing the egg to do a better job of maintaining chromosomal normalcy – protecting the healthy DNA of your future child. CoQ10 provides the same cell protection in men as well as increased sperm count and improved motility.
The bottom line – If you’re a couple who is trying to conceive, you want to consider the health of your ‘hoped-for,’ as well as yourself. You’ve invested all your energy up to this point – maybe it’s time to replenish those reserves! CoQ10 (specifically Ubiquinol for women over 40) may be the answer you’ve been seeking.
Book your free Supercharge Your Fertility Discovery call. We’ll come up with a simple plan to help you move forward…towards your dream of having your baby.
Sarah Clark empowers couples to discover how lifestyle and diet can dramatically impact their chances of conceiving. She was diagnosed with premature ovarian failure at 28 and had both her kids with donor eggs. Not until years later did she discover that the root cause of her infertility was a food intolerance. Ready to gaze into your baby’s eyes….but struggling. Download 10 step Checklist here