As I’ve shared, I struggled with infertility just like you. Years after I had my children with the help of donor eggs, I discovered the root cause of my infertility was a food intolerance and later a gut infection. Using a functional health coaching approach that uncovers potential healing opportunities and exploring health and wellness factors that include food sensitivity, we can help you get pregnant and have your baby!
You might be surprised to learn new research suggests that your digestive tract has an essential connection to your fertility. Within our gut are trillions of bacteria known as your microbiome – and when it comes to your fertility, these bacteria can make a real difference. This is because not all bacteria are harmful, and in fact, your microbiome is about 85% good bacteria called probiotics. These bacteria work with your immune system to promote good health. This is why gut health is so important and why caring for your microbiome is good for fertility. Below, we offer some tips about probiotics for fertility and how a fertility diet can help with conception.
How Good Bacteria Affects Fertility
Fertility is a complex issue. There are likely to be several factors at play, making it difficult to understand and solve. However, taking care of your digestive health can have a positive impact on your fertility. Below are some common fertility issues and how probiotics can help.
- Harmful bacteria and yeast. Unfriendly bacteria and yeast can make the uterus a less hospitable environment for an embryo. Equally, these bacteria can negatively impact sperm quality. Supporting friendly bacteria in the microbiome can help manage bad bacteria and yeasts, improving sperm quality or uterus health.
- Temporary inflammation can occur due to injury, irritation, or bad bacteria. This can affect your period and immune system, which can impact your ability to conceive. Probiotics can help to soothe these inflammations, and some may promote better fertility.
- Sperm quality. The more densely populated with sperm semen is, the higher the chances are of a sperm reaching the egg. New research suggests that a healthy microbiome can support sperm quality. For example, one study found that when the probiotic lactobacillus was in the semen microbiome, sperm was more likely to be normal and healthy.
- Carrying excess weight can negatively impact male and female fertility. This is because your weight can affect your hormonal balance, which in turn can impact fertility. However, research shows that probiotics can help manage weight as part of a healthy diet and exercise regime.
Caring for Your Gut
Supplementing your diet with probiotics is the best way to get your microbiome ready for conception. When selecting probiotics for fertility, look for a high-quality product specially formulated for your gender. Our favorite is megaspore. Other sources of friendly bacteria include organic yogurt, kombucha, kefir, and fermented vegetables like sauerkraut. Many of these products with labeled with ‘live active cultures/bacteria.’ Furthermore, having a diet full of fresh fruit and vegetables can have a fantastic effect on your microbiome health.
Aside from consuming probiotics for fertility, there are other easy ways to promote positive gut health. The first one is to relax – although this might sound easier said than done, stress can compromise your healthy flora. Try to de-stress to nurture these friendly bacteria. Secondly, active individuals tend to have more balanced microbiomes, so moderate exercise is vital to healthy stomach flora.
Your entire body can benefit from a healthy microbiome, which in turn can have a positive impact on your fertility. Then, once you conceive, you can pass your good gut health onto your baby, which will benefit them even after they’re born.
What A Fertility Diet Entails
Whether you have low AMH, unexplained infertility, fibroids, PCOS, endometriosis, or male factor infertility – a customized diet is essential. It can also be tremendously beneficial to identify any food sensitivities that you may not be aware of. Your body will not procreate if it feels it’s fighting to survive. While you may have tried many diets to maximize your fertility and not noticed any improvements, we believe that finding the right diet for you specifically can make all of the difference.
Learn how to supercharge your fertility naturally with superfoods and recipes for smoothies, soups, salads, entrees, and more! Join our 5-Day Fertility Diet Challenge by clicking HERE.
Book your free Supercharge Your Fertility Discovery call. We’ll develop a personalized plan so that you can get pregnant naturally. Please also visit our Resources page for more information and products to help you on your fertility journey.
Sarah Clark empowers couples to discover how lifestyle and diet can dramatically impact their chances of conceiving. She was diagnosed with premature ovarian failure at 28 and had both her kids with donor eggs. Not until years later did she discover that the root cause of her infertility was a food intolerance and later a gut infection.
Don’t forget to check out my Resources page for more information and products that will help you on your journey to getting pregnant.
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