Is your infertility a symptom of something else going on in your body? Many of us have health complaints and diseases that we suffer with such as:
Digestive Complaints: constipation, diarrhea, acid reflux, IBS, bloating, gas
Mood Problems: anxiety, panic attacks, depression, ADHD
Skin Problems: acne, eczema, psoriasis, hives, dermatitis
Joint Problems: joint pain, muscle pain, or arthritis
Autoimmune Disease: Multiple Sclerosis, Type I Diabetes, Celiac Disease, Hashimoto’s or Lupus.
These complaints and many more may be linked to your inability to have a baby.
*All prices in USD.
The Fertility Preparation Program includes the following:
Recorded calls – beginning and end of the program
- Community support with Facebook Group
- Chef Prepared Recipes
- Meal Plan
- Grocery Shopping List
Essential Oils - recommendations
Fertility Yoga - tips to do at home
Fertility Acupressure - the exact steps to do at home!
Fertility Massage - how to perform abdominal self massage!
Bonus #1- Fabulously Fertile ebook
Bonus #2 -Fabulously Fertile ecookbook
Bonus #3 - AM/PM Fertility Yoga Video's (morning and evening class)
What will you eat?
Delicious smoothies, juices, salads, soups, entrees, snacks and desserts. All recipes do not contain gluten, dairy, corn, soy, corn, eggs, peanuts and processed sugar. There are chicken, turkey and fish options plus there are vegan options too.
How will I know if I am sensitive to a food?
The re-introduction of the foods is key. We will give you a step by step guide to understand how to re-introduce the foods to determine if you are sensitive. This is the step that many people get wrong. The elimination diet is short term and meant for you to be able to determine how specific foods impact YOUR body.
What happens if I am sensitive to a food?
If you determine that a specific food causes you symptoms, you will stop that food. However, if you are sensitive now once you begin to work on gut healing you can re-introduce the food at a later date.
How do I know if I have a leaky gut?
Often a sign of a leaky gut is becoming sensitive to your favourite foods. A next step after the Fertility Preparation Program is a food sensitivity test to determine if there are additional foods that you may be sensitive to. Remember the gold standard for determining a food sensitivity is an elimination diet as this is what we recommend to our 1:1 clients. Once you remove the foods you can re-challenge at a later date. As you begin to heal your gut you may no longer be sensitive to these foods.
How do I heal my gut?
The first step is to take out foods that cause a sensitivity. Next we look at possible
gut infection. We recommend a stool test (GI MAP). This looks at the DNA of the stool. The majority of women that we work with who are experiencing infertility also have a gut infection (parasite, worm, bacterial infection and/or fungal infection). We recommend a targeted nutritional therapy protocol that works on gut repair and eliminating any gut infections.
Will I be hungry during the Fertility Preparation Program?
No. The meal plan is designed to keep you satisfied. You will eat real whole foods that are full of fresh ingredients.
Will I be able to carry on with my daily life (I’m a busy person)?
These recipes are designed to incorporate into a busy schedule.
Remember if your body is under attack it wants to survive not procreate.
Recommended for anyone on the fertility journey and especially if you have low AMH and/or high FSH, diminished ovarian reserve, or primary ovarian insufficiency.