Today I’m welcoming Justine Altman back to the podcast!
We’re digging into how the different types of stressors impact fertility.
Justine is part of my team here at Fab Fertile. She is an integral part of our Couples Coaching program - which uses functional lab testing, diet, and lifestyle changes to dramatically improve conception.
If you are struggling with infertility...your body is desperately trying to tell you something...focusing on your health will either help you get pregnant naturally or if you do need to go to the fertility clinic it will improve your chances of success.
Justine is a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner. She was diagnosed with POCS and struggled with infertility but after taking a functional approach was able to have both her children naturally.
It's day #3 of our fertility series.
I know you are here right now because you want to have your baby.
You may be feeling heartbroken, frustrated, angry, and sad.
You’ve probably tried “all the things” read the books/blogs, listened to podcasts, and implemented strategies – but nothing has worked.
And although it may feel like your next logical step is IVF.
I’m here to tell you that it’s not your fault.
Conventional medicine doesn’t seek to address the root cause of infertility. We get an infertility diagnosis and then are told that we need an expensive/invasive procedure to push our body to procreate.
IVF takes an average of 3 cycles and a cost of $ 60,000 for a successful pregnancy.
What I know for sure is that focusing on your health BEFORE you commit to IVF is NEVER a bad decision. You’ll either get pregnant naturally or improve the success of IVF.
Your body is desperately trying to tell you something – let’s figure out what healing opportunities have been missed so that you can improve your chances of pregnancy success.
On this podcast you'll learn:
1) The top stressors that impact fertility and what you can do to minimize your risk
2) How to address the stressors so that you can prepare for a successful pregnancy
3) Clues to look out for so that you can take simple steps to optimize your fertility
- "If you are constantly in pain, that is a nod to stress."
- The impact of long-term pain
- Should you have a chiropractor?
- Switching out your personal care without being overwhelmed
- Looking at the water you are drinking and opting into organic food
- Filtering your air and using plants
- Paying attention to blue light and EMFs
- The impact of these stressors and getting support
- Paying attention to your triggers and getting your emotions off your chest
- Addressing past traumas and setting boundaries
- "Self-care is looking out for yourself first."
- What may be normal in Western medicine is not normal from a functional approach
- "We have to reduce stress from every angle in order to improve it."
- The impact of medications
- Look at why your body is struggling and where the weak link is
- "Coaching is what makes our program different."
- "There is always something to optimize."
- "Looking at the whole body, not just the diagnosis is key."
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Book your free Supercharge Your Fertility Discovery call. We’ll come up with a simple plan to help you move forward…towards your dream of having your baby.
Listen here (be sure to HIT the subscribe button so you never miss an episode):
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- can I get pregnant with high fsh,
- Category_Podcast,
- diminished ovarian reserve,
- elimination diet and infertility,
- functional medicine and sleep,
- functional medicine for fertility,
- functional medicine hormones,
- gut health and fertility,
- gut infections,
- how to cope with infertility stress,
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- low amh success stories,
- premature ovarian failure pregnancy success stories