Inflammation is a buzz word in the functional health space. You may be asking yourself, what does it actually mean? And what does it have to do with my fertility?
“Inflammation” commonly has a negative connotation, but it’s not all bad!
Inflammation is a complex biological response triggered by the immune system in response to harmful stimuli, such as pathogens, damaged cells, or irritants. But, a little bit of inflammation in the body is OK and a normal part of our physiology. So where have things gone wrong…
Unfortunately, our high stress lifestyles, coupled with the environment has us constantly in “fight or flight”, perpetuating this chronic inflammatory state.
It is likely not a coincidence, then, that autoimmunity and infertility are on the rise. Maybe you’ve received an autoimmune diagnosis, have low AMH, high FSH and/or POI.
It is worth noting that the ovaries are especially susceptible to autoimmune attack and thus are likely very sensitive to inflammation in the body, regardless of where it’s coming from.
Inflammation is a key driver behind many reproductive health issues facing women, and men today. Chronic, low-grade inflammation can disrupt normal hormonal signaling, interfere with ovulation and implantation, and create an inhospitable environment for a growing fetus. Simply put, managing inflammation through lifestyle changes, diet, and supplementation is essential for maintaining both overall health and reproductive wellness.
Enter, the Fab Omega 3. Several studies have shown that omega-3s are essential for overall female health and that supplementing omega-3s may help rebalance immune function, support healthy egg quality, delay ovarian aging, and improve pregnancy rates.
And we can’t forget about the men in our lives. Omega-3s can also help improve sperm quality, including sperm count, motility, and morphology. Research has found that men who had higher levels of omega-3s in their sperm had better sperm quality, including higher sperm count and motility and had higher total semen volume and higher levels of testosterone, all of which play an important role in male fertility.
This is why Omegas are an important part of our client recommendations at Fab Fertile.
Learn more about our Fab Omega and other foundational supplements to support fertility with our Fab For Life Naturals Fertility Collection. Use FAB15 to save 15%