Today we’d like to share a success story with you. Let’s call them Rebecca + Michael (real names protected for privacy). Rebecca and MIchael had been trying to grow their family for a while. Their reproductive endocrinologist (RE) said they would need IVF and possibly donor eggs if they ever wanted to get pregnant.
However both were not ready to accept that answer. Michael was diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease as a child and through diet and lifestyle changes, has actively been in remission for years. He witnessed the power of how we move and feed our body first hand. Both Rebecca and Michael believed 100% that they were missing a part of the puzzle and knew both functional testing and lifestyle changes could provide answers and an action plan.
When they started our Fab Fertile program, Rebecca was only 27 and was diagnosed with premature ovarian insufficiency, asthma, eczema and experienced migraines regularly. When this couple started working with us, they got on our foundational supplements and completed some functional lab testing. They also began our fertility diet. Both immediately felt the difference. They were experiencing better sleep, better concentration and less bloating!
When the test results came back from the tests, we learned Rebecca was living with giardia and H.pylori as well as food sensitivities to gluten, dairy and eggs. She also had adrenal insufficiency, mineral imbalance, thyroid imbalance, toxic overload and hormonal imbalance.
Our team immediately began offering support through strategic diet/lifestyle changes and supplementation, helping creating new habits and discovering new recipes. During this time they also worked on communication and discussed big life goals together. They imagined what life would look like when their baby finally arrived and made adjustments to accommodate the life they were dreaming of.
Rebecca visited her RE for fresh bloodwork and the doctor was stunned by all the changes and highly encouraged the couple to start IVF immediately. Knowing exactly why their numbers had improved, Rebecca and Michael decided instead to try to conceive on their own that month. And guess what? It resulted in a positive test and a healthy pregnancy!
Rebecca’s RE was so surprised they got pregnant on their own, calling their pregnancy a miracle but the couple and our team knew exactly how it happened. Rebecca and Michael made this miracle happen. They refused to let a POI diagnosis define them and instead decided to dig their way to discovering the root cause. Together, we found answers and addressed them head on while making sure to also work on mindset and stress reduction.
Before their baby arrived, Rebecca and her husband found a new home more aligned with their dreams for their family and decided to start a family dinner routine. Rebecca also experienced improvements with all her previous symptoms and now is connected to her body on a deeper level, knowing how to best meet its needs.
Rebecca and Michael are just one of the stories we are thrilled to share with you. If you are experiencing challenges getting pregnant, have been diagnosed with POI, POF or DOR, have low AMH/high FSH, we highly encourage you to learn more about our Fab Fertile Method and explore of free offerings.