So many of us on the fertility journey....lose our way.
We question if it will work and in creeps fear, worry and doubt.
What if we could get to that place of inner knowing?
Where we just KNOW that it will happen.
I am excited for you to listen to today's episode...because it is so damn powerful.
I was literally transfixed by Elisabeth's words.
Sit back and get ready to call in the spirit of your baby.
In this episode you'll learn:
1) Why epigenetics matters for fertility and how this influences the mind and body of the child.
2) How to align with the universe and what it means for someone on their fertility journey. Plus how to call in the spirit of your baby.
3) How to open up the space for your baby (physically, mentally and spiritually).
4) What to do if you feel afraid to visualize a positive outcome. Plus how to surround ourselves with what our baby needs (love, safety, gentleness and connection).
Download a FREE preview of The Sacred Life of Fertility - book release Spring 2019 - https://www.elisabethmanning.com/book/
We want to know how we can best support you in 2019!!!
Take our short survey and get the chance to WIN
- a signed copy of Fabulously Fertile: Supercharge Your Fertility book by Sarah Clark
Survey closes - Friday January 18th.
Download your free fertility yoga video. In this 20 minute intro video we focus on a calming and peaceful practice to connect back to our heart. These simple yoga poses can help quiet negative thoughts and make you feel more in control. www.yogafreebie.com
Book your free Supercharge Your Fertility Discovery call. We’ll come up with a simple plan to help you move forward…towards your dream of having your baby.
Don't forget to check out my Resources page for more information and products that will help you on your fertility journey.
Listen here (be sure to HIT the subscribe button so you never miss an episode):
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