Why Addressing Digestive Symptoms Can Improve Reproductive Health with Dr. Melanie Keller
Aug 12, 2024

We’re digging into what IBS/SIBO has to do with reproductive health.
So many of us are experiencing digestive complaints such as loose stools, constipation, bloating or gas.
And while these may be common, they are certainly not normal. When you’re trying to conceive, they are a clue to dig deeper.
This is especially true if you’ve been diagnosed with the catch-all diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
So, what can you do to address IBS, and why are these embarrassing symptoms linked to fertility?
I’m excited to welcome Melanie Keller to the podcast. Melanie is a leading global pioneer in the revolutionary treatment of IBS/SIBO, with an astounding success rate of 90% and permanent results in 12 weeks or less. Her innovative and successful treatment has garnered recognition in top-tier media outlets such as Forbes Health, Well+Good, and ABC's "The List TV." Her innovative way of thinking and providing clarity in application are at the forefront of her precision medicine approach to health and well-being.
In this episode, you'll learn:
- What IBS is, and what you can do to address the symptoms (plus why it matters if we’re trying to conceive)
- The connection between IBS and SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth)
- Steps to take to improve IBS symptoms plus supplements and diet/lifestyle strategies
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- The gut-brain connection is often not explained to patients
- People get so used to it that that becomes their normal
- What we put in should be coming out every day.
- You can’t ignore the gut when you’re thinking about fertility
- What’s happening with your elimination is a big clue about your health
- When you define something as a syndrome, it’s usually because you don’t feel a more specific diagnosis
- The most commonly prescribed treatment is a proton pump inhibitor
- I do see and recognize a pH factor when it comes to our motility.
- Motility is like a cleaning wave happening between the stomach and the small intestine
- We can all be exposed to the same contaminated food, and only a small proportion of us will have a reaction
- The five main culprits of bacterial food poisoning
- Stool testing allows us to see more about what’s going on in the gut
- If you have issues with your digestion, something is off.
- There’s life on the other side.
- Probiotics can sometimes add traffic to the traffic jam in the digestive system
- When people experience chronic digestive issues, they can sometimes get too restrictive with diet
- Release the grip on everything you’ve been told about diet.
- Move away from thinking of food as good or bad but instead focus on what we learn from what our body is telling us
- A large proportion of people who have SIBO have intestinal permeability
- We want to get to a place where we’re eating intuitively.
- The number one symptom is bloating
- The body has its own consciousness.
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Ultimate Guide to Getting Pregnant This Year If You Have Low AMH/High FSH
Remember, AMH is NOT a predictor of natural pregnancy. It can't tell you about the health of your eggs or predict if you can get pregnant.
The AMH level does not need to define your chances.
So, how do we fast-track pregnancy success?
What you place on your fork every day matters.
And no, you don't need to try the latest dietary fads such as:
❌ Carnivore
❌ Keto
❌ Vegan
It's not about following generalized dietary guidelines. Because that only wastes precious time.
The most important factor is consuming the diet that is right for YOU.
I’m excited to announce that our Summer Fertility Recipe Guide is ready! Go to FertilityDietFreebie.com to grab your copy. I worked with a chef/nutritionist to prepare these summer recipes. This is a five-day challenge where you’ll learn how food impacts your body while enjoying delicious and nutrient-dense recipes all designed to enhance fertility (especially if you have low AMH and/or high FSH). The guide includes a meal plan and grocery shopping list. Start this challenge with your partner.
Fab Prenatal includes all the essential nutrients to help support a healthy mom and growing baby throughout her pregnancy journey.
Our blend was created to assist the gap you may be lacking in your diet for extra nutrient needs in pregnancy, like Folate, other B vitamins, Choline, and more.
Use code “GPN15” for 15% off your order at FFLNaturals.com
Join my FREE Facebook group and get my training on How To Improve Pregnancy Success With Your Own Eggs.
Book your Supercharge Your Fertility Discovery call here with your partner
During our call, we’ll be discussing what you have tried so far and where you’ve faced challenges. This can feel stressful but is designed to help us get to the root cause of your fertility issues and will help me to give you the best possible action plan at the end of the call. However, to reassure you – on this call we won’t be digging into the trauma associated with infertility/miscarriage/loss – rather we are focused on solutions and an ACTION PLAN as to how our Fab Fertile Method can help you get pregnant naturally.
Connect with Sarah on social media and learn more about functional fertility solutions that will help you have your baby.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fabfertileinc/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sesacoaching/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fabfertile
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sarahclarkfertilitycoach/
LEAVE APPLE PODCASTS REVIEW: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/get-pregnant-naturally/id1329414094
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