I connected with Claire about 1 year ago. We are both in the same business coaching community. I was on her first Summit - The Mind Body Fertility Connection - in the fall of 2017. I love her natural approach to fertility and how she uses the tools of hypnotherapy and coaching to prepare mind body and spirit for a baby. Claire’s deep listening skills, her ability to immediately put people at ease, plus her extremely giving nature make her a joy to be around.
Claire Brett is a hypnotherapist, positive birth educator and fertility mindset coach. She has been supporting couples around the world from conception through to birth since 2007.
She lives in Cork, Ireland with her husband, her beautiful miracle daughter and two wayward dogs. A lover of meditation and all things positive psychology and emotional evolvement - Claire adores supporting couples through some of the most pivotal times in their lives, having had a long and difficult road to motherhood herself. Claire believes that we would not have the high infertility rates we do have worldwide if we tended to our emotional and mental well-being as a priority. Claire is on a mission to widely share her important message of hope, inspiration and trust in the power of the mind-body connection for fertility, pregnancy and beyond. Visit her website at: www.fertilityfootsteps.com
On this podcast you'll learn:
- What is hypnotherapy and how it can improve fertility.
- The science behind hypnotherapy and infertility.
- How to get into a hypnotic state.
- How to do self hypnosis
- How to reinforce thoughts of a successful pregnancy and birth
- What happens when we avoid sadness or strong emotions
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