I'm excited to welcome Brandy Buskow back to the podcast.
We're digging into common fears and worries associated with a functional approach to infertility.
Check out episode #6 for a functional medicine 101 talk plus a look at some of the tools we use to help couples conceive.
Brandy is part of my team here at Fab Fertile. She is an integral part of our Couples Coaching program– which uses functional lab testing, diet and lifestyle changes to dramatically improve conception. If you are struggling with infertility…your body is desperately trying to tell you something…focusing on your health will either help you get pregnant naturally or if you do need to go to the fertility clinic it will improve your chances of success.
Right now you may be contemplating an IVF treatment.
Either again or for the first time.
I've been in your shoes.
It can seem unfair.
It can seem like it's your only option.
If you are reading this right now...you know that we take a functional approach to infertility.
And while IVF can seem like your next logical step...BEFORE you spend 60K (it takes an average of 3 cycles for a successful outcome with IVF).
Consider how a functional approach can help you. Listen in here (with your partner).
In this episode you'll learn:
1) What if I’m sensitive to my favourite foods? What if my partner doesn’t want to participate? I’m already taking a bunch of supplements – do I need more (we see this all the time – self prescribing is never recommended and many of these supplements contain – dyes, fillers and chemicals)
2) Do I really need a coach or a team to help me? I already eat clean – why do I need a nutrition practitioner (this is where so many go wrong – a couple of tweaks and we have a diet this is customized for YOU). I’ll become obsessed with my fertility (this has come up a lot lately – we’ve found the exact opposite with our clients – since we don’t focus on the infertility diagnosis).
3) I have a fertility treatment coming up – I can’t commit to a program! (this one is tough love time – because focusing on your health protects your investment at the fertility clinic). I don’t have time! (we’re all busy – but really what you are saying is that your health is not a priority). Can’t I just do this on my own (yep – you could – but then you would already be pregnant – right?). Plus – a big one – I can’t afford it (we’ll share with you the consequences of ignoring your preconception health).
Book your free Supercharge Your Fertility Discovery call. We’ll come up with a simple plan to help you move forward…towards your dream of having your baby. Don't forget to check out my Resources page for more information and products that will help you on your fertility journey.
- autoimmune disease and ivf success,
- autoimmune disorder and ivf,
- Category_Podcast,
- do i really need ivf,
- do we really need ivf,
- functional medicine and fertility,
- functional medicine and hormones,
- functional medicine and IVF,
- functional medicine fertility,
- functional medicine for pregnancy,
- functional nutrition and fertility,
- functional nutrition fertility,
- ivf and infertility,
- taking a functional approach