Today I’m welcoming Justine Altman back to the podcast.
We’re digging into bioidentical hormones and when/if you need to use them during the fertility journey.
Justine is part of my team here at Fab Fertile. She is an integral part of our Couples Coaching program - which uses functional lab testing, diet, and lifestyle changes to dramatically improve conception. If you are struggling with infertility...your body is desperately trying to tell you something...focusing on your health will either help you get pregnant naturally or if you do need to go to the fertility clinic it will improve your chances of success.
Justine is a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner. She was diagnosed with PCOS and struggled with infertility. She had her first baby with fertility treatments, but after taking a functional approach was able to conceive her 2nd child naturally.
Because bioidenticals alone are not the answer, but they can be part of the solution.
On this podcast you'll learn:
1) The difference between bioidentical hormones and synthetic hormones. Why pharmaceutical companies wouldn't have produced bioidenticals.
2) The controversy surrounding hormone replacement therapy. We discuss the studies.
3) The top mistake we see with hormone therapy (synthetic and bioidenticals).
4) When to use bioidentical hormones and when will they be more effective.
5) Why regular testing is key. Plus diet/lifestyle factors that are essential to address when you are TTC. It's not about focusing directly on the hormones - but relieving the stress on the body (why are the hormones unbalanced, to begin with).
- The difference between their functions and side effects
- Why pharmaceutical companies would not just produce exclusively bioidentical
- Different ways of administrating bioidentical hormones and the benefits/cons
- What research has found (and not found) in regards to the effects of synthetic vs bioidentical hormones
- "Synthetic vs the bioidentical is really night and day."
- Why focusing on hormones is the opposite of functional medicine's approach
- "If we take stress off the body the body starts to do whats it's supposed to do."
- The importance of testing continually
- DHEA the "master hormone" and why we don't want too much of it
- The balance of hormones in order for the body to function properly
- Testing first before supplementing
- What "estrogen dominance" means and why it matters looking at the individual to restore balance
- Looking at lifestyle first at how that helps bioidentical hormones be more effective
- "The body is meant to function optimally"
- How functional medicine views hormones
- "Hormone deficiency is not the problem, it's the symptom of the problem."
- Not testing properly and making it bio-individual
- "We don't treat the diagnosis."
- The importance of continually testing and sticking with the process
- Focusing not just on the individual but the individual right now
- United States, Canada, and Europe
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Book your free Supercharge Your Fertility Discovery call. We’ll come up with a simple plan to help you move forward…towards your dream of having your baby.
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- advantages of hormone treatment for infertility,
- Bioidentical hormone replacement fertility,
- bioidentical progesterone cream,
- Category_Podcast,
- functional medicine for fertility,
- functional medicine hormones,
- hope for premature ovarian failure,
- low amh and infertility,
- low amh success stories,
- premature ovarian failure diet,
- premature ovarian insufficiency