Today I’m welcoming Dr. Anna Cabeca to the podcast.
We’re digging into how to heal naturally if you have premature ovarian insufficiency.
Dr. Anna Cabeca is an internationally-acclaimed menopause and sexual health expert, global speaker, and pioneering promoter of women’s health. She is Emory University-trained and triple board-certified in gynecology and obstetrics, integrative medicine and anti-aging and regenerative medicine, and is the author of “The Hormone Fix,” a diet and holistic lifestyle program for menopausal women.
Her areas of specialty include bio-identical hormone treatments and natural hormone-balancing strategies, and she has received extensive notoriety for her virtual transformational programs including Women‘s Restorative Health, Sexual CPR® and Magic Menopause. She created the successful and popular alkaline superfoods drink Mighty Maca® PLUS, and a top-selling, rejuvenating feminine vulvar cream for women, Julva®. In her spare time, Dr. Cabeca hosts the highly-regarded series “Couch Talk,” featuring compelling podcasts focused on a wide variety of important health and wellness topics.
When I was diagnosed with premature ovarian failure/insufficiency (POF/POI) at 28 I was told my only options were donor eggs.
I had no idea that underlying stressors both physical and mental/emotional were contributing to my infertility.
Fortunately, I was able to have both my children with donor eggs – but years later my health really began to suffer.
What I now know for sure is that crucial healing opportunities were missed for me. I see this all the time when we work with clients in our Fab Fertile Coaching program.
It is not about focusing on the POF/POI diagnosis.
Conventional medicine offers very few solutions for POF/POI. It’s either IVF (we’re given a very low chance of success) or donor eggs.
The functional approach addresses the healing opportunities (they are different for everyone and very individualized) and restores balance to the body. Because if your body is under attack it wants to survive not to procreate.
On this podcast you'll learn:
1) Why POF/POI is not early menopause. Even if you have not had a period for more than 12 months we discuss if it is possible to restart the period again.
2) A POF/POI diagnosis is emotionally devastating – how to how to stay optimistic (especially when well-meaning doctors are telling you that you'll never conceive with your own eggs.)
3) Common issues we see with POF/POI (i.e. food sensitivities, gut infections, mineral imbalance, long term birth control use, autoimmunity, and thyroiditis).
4) We discuss the autoimmune disease and POF/POI and we break down the studies.
5) Why insulin, cortisol, and oxytocin matter and why balancing these is essential for hormone health and POF/POI.
6) When to supplement with bioidenticals. What to do about hot flashes (what do they mean?) Plus help for painful sex/urinary leakage and dryness.
- Menopause is said to have started when there is not a period for 12 months, why is this not the case for POI?
- Is it possible to regain your period?
- Dr. Cabeca regaining her cycle at 54
- "There are so many things that can affect our hormones"
- "Part of my healing was keeping the earth moving below my feet."
- Focusing on success stories
- Understanding the importance of healing cell to cell communication
- How trauma and grief can affect your nervous system, "Physiology drives behavior."
- Finding hope and not allowing despair to take hold of us, "We can never give up hope."
- "If you see it you can experience it."
- The hormonal disruption caused by trauma
- Why you should establish a "cheer word"
- Hormonal deficiencies and the feeling that your body is "betraying you"
- Healing the gut, increasing heart rate variability, and other functional approaches to healing
- "When we support the adrenals we support the ovaries."
- "You cannot separate your mental atmosphere from our physiological atmosphere."
- The tie of autoimmune disease and emotions, "Organs hold emotions."
- How improving one area improves another
- Understanding the toxins in not only our foods but in our lifestyle
- Focusing on healthy greens, removing grains, etc
- Common food sensitivities and why to eliminate them on a detox
- Considering the source and how we eat "what we ate, ate"
- Supporting our hormones from the bottom up
- Insulin resistance and the harm of snacking
- How much we have to learn about the issue and how complex it is
- How we cannot rely on bioidenticals alone and the importance of addressing the root cause
- Recommendations for DHEA and why she believes to "start low, go slow"
- The importance of compassion and a simple exercise you can do
- Heart math and Muse
- The importance of nourishing your pelvic floor
- Leaking bladder
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Book your free Supercharge Your Fertility Discovery call. We’ll come up with a simple plan to help you move forward…towards your dream of having your baby.
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- Category_Podcast,
- functional medicine for fertility,
- functional medicine hormones,
- hope for premature ovarian failure,
- how to reverse premature ovarian failure naturally,
- low amh and infertility,
- low amh success stories,
- premature ovarian failure,
- premature ovarian failure diet,
- premature ovarian failure pregnancy success stories,
- premature ovarian insufficiency,
- premature ovarian insufficiency pregnancy