We’re digging into the top fertility supplement that you must have to improve pregnancy success this year
Most people who are trying to conceive know that they need to take some supplements.
After all, it’s difficult to get essential nutrients from our food because the soil is so depleted.
You’ve probably scoured the internet trying to determine which supplements will boost egg and sperm health.
But what if you are taking the wrong ones?
Or worse yet, you just have expensive pee. Yup, we see this all the time. More is not always better.
We’re breaking down our must-have fertility supplements, so you don’t waste time and money taking the wrong ones, and you can improve pregnancy success this year.
In today’s episode, you’ll learn:
- Foundational supplements to enhance male and female fertility
- Which supplement helps with egg quality, reduces the risk of early miscarriage and helps with the production of healthy sperm
- Supplements that help with sperm quality and motility
- How this supplement can balance estrogen for women and testosterone for men - plus increase libido for both sexes
- High-quality supplements can be a valuable part of a healthy diet and lifestyle
- Supplements are helpful but using them alone will not serve you.
- You can’t out-supplement a bad diet and lifestyle. You have to adjust the fundamentals first.
- Why we recommend professional-grade supplements
- What to look for in high-quality supplements
- The danger of buying supplements on Amazon
- Risks from taking the wrong supplements
- It’s worth getting it right when it comes to supplements.
- Foundational supplements for the fertility journey
- Why these are recommended once you are thinking about getting pregnant
- Folate versus folic acid
- A high-quality, broad-spectrum multivitamin can do wonders.
- The importance of adequate nutritional supplements for men on the fertility journey
- Why it’s vital to make the improvements as a couple
- Our modern diets tend to be higher in omega-6s
- Most people would benefit from taking omega-3 supplements
- Chronic inflammation is one of the biggest underlying factors for fertility issues.
- Benefits of omega-3s in the fertility journey
- Risks associated with low-quality fish oil supplements
25:17 VITAMINS D3 & K2
- Sunshine is your best option but the right supplement can be key.
- Why most of us are deficient in vitamin D
- Vitamin D is a prohormone
- The role of vitamin D in sex hormone production and immune function
- What to look for in a vitamin D supplement
- Benefits of ubiquinol on the fertility journey
- Protecting our eggs from oxidative stress
- Ubiquinol versus ubiquinone
- Ubiquinol for sperm health
- The gut is the foundation of your health.
- Stool testing allows us to take a personalized, targeted approach
- How probiotics work
- Get Pregnant Naturally | Episode 341: Why A Healthy Vaginal Microbiome Matters When You Are TTC
Fab Fertile Method - https://fabfertile.com/pages/what-we-do
Get Pregnant Naturally | Related Episodes
- Episode 364: Why This is My TOP Suggestion For Anyone On The Fertility Journey
- Episode 375: Stop Making These Common Mistakes and Get Your 2023 Action Plan
Ultimate Guide to Getting Pregnant This Year If You Have Low AMH/High FSH
Remember, AMH is NOT a predictor of natural pregnancy. It can't tell you about the health of your eggs or predict if you can get pregnant.
The AMH level does not need to define your chances.
So, how do we fast-track pregnancy success?
What you place on your fork every day matters.
And no, you don't need to try the latest dietary fads such as:
❌ Carnivore
❌ Keto
❌ Vegan
It's not about following generalized dietary guidelines. Because that only wastes precious time.
The most important factor is consuming the diet that is right for YOU.
I’m excited to announce that our Summer Fertility Recipe Guide is ready! Go to FertilityDietFreebie.com to grab your copy. I worked with a chef/nutritionist to prepare these summer recipes. This is a five-day challenge where you’ll learn how food impacts your body while enjoying delicious and nutrient-dense recipes all designed to enhance fertility (especially if you have low AMH and/or high FSH). The guide includes a meal plan and grocery shopping list. Start this challenge with your partner.
Fab Prenatal includes all the essential nutrients to help support a healthy mom and growing baby throughout her pregnancy journey.
Our blend was created to assist the gap you may be lacking in your diet for extra nutrient needs in pregnancy, like Folate, other B vitamins, Choline, and more.
Use code “GPN15” for 15% off your order at FFLNaturals.com
Join my FREE Facebook group and get my training on How To Improve Pregnancy Success With Your Own Eggs.
Book your Supercharge Your Fertility Discovery call here with your partner
During our call, we’ll be discussing what you have tried so far and where you’ve faced challenges. This can feel stressful but is designed to help us get to the root cause of your fertility issues and will help me to give you the best possible action plan at the end of the call. However, to reassure you – on this call we won’t be digging into the trauma associated with infertility/miscarriage/loss – rather we are focused on solutions and an ACTION PLAN as to how our Fab Fertile Method can help you get pregnant naturally.
Connect with Sarah on social media and learn more about functional fertility solutions that will help you have your baby.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fabfertileinc/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sesacoaching/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fabfertile
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sarahclarkfertilitycoach/
LEAVE APPLE PODCASTS REVIEW: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/get-pregnant-naturally/id1329414094
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