
Which Type of Exercise is Right for Fertility?

Jan 28, 2019

Which Type of Exercise is Right for Fertility?
Today I’m welcoming Samantha Kellgren to the podcast! We’re digging into what is the best type of exercise for someone who is trying to get pregnant. Samantha is a certified holistic health coach specializing in women's health! She helps highly fit, health driven women towards their goal of having a baby. She loves guiding women who want to keep their health and fitness a priority, but need to alter their habits to get their bodies ready to carry a healthy pregnancy. Samantha is a certified personal trainer through ACSM and got certified as a Health Coach in 2014 through ACE Fitness. After making holistic changes alongside IVF to conceive her son, she was inspired to go through the Integrative Women's Health Institute's Optimal Fertility program with the goal of supporting women with information and compassion so they feel confident and excited about their lifestyle changes. I get this question all the time!
What is the best type of exercise for someone who is trying to get pregnant
Well it depends. Because we're all different.
I wanted to bring on an expert who specializes with exercise for fertility
So whether you struggle to get your butt off the couch #thestruggleisreal
Or you live for exercise and can't wait to do another marathon...this episode is for you! #adrenalinerush
In this episode you'll learn:
1) The best type of exercise for fertility. What type of exercise should be avoided, what to do if you have an upcoming IUI/IVF..
2) What happens to our hormones/fertility when we overexercise. Plus we talk about under-exercising
3) The verdict once and for all on running. This is for you Type A's
Download your free fertility yoga video. In this 20 minute intro video we focus on a calming and peaceful practice to connect back to our heart. These simple yoga poses can help quiet negative thoughts and make you feel more in control. www.yogafreebie.com Book your free Supercharge Your Fertility Discovery call. We’ll come up with a simple plan to help you move forward…towards your dream of having your baby. Don't forget to check out my Resources page for more information and products that will help you on your fertility journey. Listen here (be sure to HIT the subscribe button so you never miss an episode):