Today I’m welcoming Justine Altman to the podcast!
We’re taking your questions!
Justine Altman is joining our team as a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner. Brandy Buskow will be transitioning to our Clinical Advisor.
Check out episode #6 for a functional medicine 101 talk plus a look at some of the tools we use to help couples conceive.
You may know my story – check out episode How To Get pregnant Naturally with low amh, POF.
Justine is part of my team here at Fab Fertile. She is an integral part of our Couples Coaching program – which uses functional lab testing, diet and lifestyle changes to dramatically improve conception. If you are struggling with infertility…your body is desperately trying to tell you something…focusing on your health will either help you get pregnant naturally or if you do need to go to the fertility clinic it will improve your chances of success.
She is a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner.
On this podcast we are discussing:
1) The functional approach for premature ovarian failure/insufficiency. Our thoughts on supplementing with DHEA and what you could be missing.
2) What to do if you are underweight (and have low AMH) and what healing opportunities may have been missed. (i.e. celiac, non-celiac gluten sensitivity, gut issues, SIBO, H.Pylori, low Vitamin D, low stomach acid, adrenal dysfunction, hypothyroidism, autoimmunity). Plus we discuss strategies to help with healthy weight gain.
3) What to do if you have Natural Killer cells. We discuss the benefits of the AIP (autoimmune protocol) diet.
4) The functional approach for unexplained infertility. The importance of including your partner. (i.e. address stressors - food/gut/environmental/stress/structural) plus reviewing blood chemistry for both partners. Common themes we see are thyroid dysfunction low vitamin D, long term hormonal birth control, and blood sugar imbalance.
5) Why metformin may have been recommended (even if there are not any blood sugar issues). We discuss metformin side effects.
6) What to do if you have low AMH. We discuss our proven functional approach to help you get pregnant naturally or improve success with IVF.
7) We dig into period health and what your cycle is telling you.
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Book your free Supercharge Your Fertility Discovery call. We’ll come up with a simple plan to help you move forward…towards your dream of having your baby.
Listen here (be sure to HIT the subscribe button so you never miss an episode):
- can a shaman help you get pregnant,
- can diminished ovarian reserve be reversed,
- can stress can diminished ovarian reserve,
- can you still get pregnant with low amh,
- Category_Podcast,
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- functional medicine doctor fertility,
- functional medicine for fertility,
- functional medicine hormones,
- low amh and infertility,
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- premature ovarian failure diet,
- premature ovarian failure Ivf,
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- unexplained infertility functional medicine