Today I’m welcoming Brandy Buskow back to the podcast.
We’re digging into what to do after you’ve read - It Starts With The Egg!
Brandy is part of my team here at Fab Fertile. She is an integral part of our Couples Coaching program - which uses functional lab testing, diet, and lifestyle changes to dramatically improve conception.
If you are struggling with infertility...your body is desperately trying to tell you something...focusing on your health will either help you get pregnant naturally or if you do need to go to the fertility clinic it will improve your chances of success.
She is a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner and Certified Transformational Health Coach and EFT Practitioner.
Today we’re the talking about what to do AFTER you’ve read the book It Starts With The Egg by Rebecca Fett.
It Starts With The Egg has become the bible for egg health and really the infertility community. This well researched book includes actionable steps for diet, lifestyle, and supplement recommendations.
What if you’ve made ALL the changes and it still hasn’t worked? Does IVF seem like your next logical step?
What we know after working with couples that are struggling with infertility is that taking a PERSONALIZED approach is the true path to optimizing health and fertility.
Because even if it worked for someone else – it doesn’t mean the approach is right for YOUR body.
We wanted to give some tips on what to do NEXT after reading the book.
This episode is for you:
- If you have implemented the suggestions in the book and it still hasn’t worked
- If you were so overwhelmed by the book - that you didn’t know where to start
- Your partner isn’t making any of the suggested changes - just you! Steps to help his preconception health.
- You haven’t read the book – but you want to know how to improve egg quality and fertility naturally.
In this episode you'll learn:
1. Your Vitamin D levels are low. We know that low levels of Vitamin D can increase the risk of miscarriage and infertility. But WHY are your levels low in the first place? We talk about factors the influence your Vitamin D (i.e. infections, autoimmunity, etc.). What supplement you should be taking (this is regularly missed).
2. Your TSH is normal (or is it?). We see this ALL the time. Thyroid problems are common with premature ovarian failure/insufficiency, unexplained infertility, and ovulatory disorders. Plus subclinical hypothyroidism increased to 15% with ovulatory infertility and 40% with women with POF. Why looking at your TSH is not enough.
3. Food sensitivity – you’ve eliminated gluten and dairy (okay you still have the odd cheat day). Why digging into the diet is KEY for your fertility. What you can do if you’ve tested negative for celiac (we talk about the frequency of false negatives). And discuss non-celiac gluten sensitivity and what we are seeing with our clients.
4. Environmental Toxins – you’ve tossed out the plastics, eliminated your EMF exposure (or have you – we regularly see people getting this wrong), you’ve changed all your personal care (but have you checked for common allergens), and you switched to non-toxic cleaning products. Right? What you could be missing.
5. You’re supplementing with melatonin. We see this all the time. It is recommended to supplement if you are going through IVF, but it may impair your ability to produce melatonin. But why is your melatonin low in the first place? Did you have it tested? Higher melatonin is found with those with high AMH counts and higher follicle counts. Do you know how to improve your melatonin?
6. You’re taking DHEA. It is the go to recommendation for those with diminished ovarian reserve (low AMH) and are preparing for IVF. Plus it helps to decrease miscarriage. But have your levels been tested? Why a blood test does NOT tell us the whole picture. Do you know WHY your levels are low in the first place? It is not about taking a reductionist viewpoint of your fertility. It’s about looking at the WHOLE body.
7. We discuss the recommended supplements (ie prenatal, B12, CoQ10, Vitamin E, Vitamin C, Alpha Lipoic, Myo-inositol, L- Carnitine and men’s supplement recommendations)
Although there is a lot of good research in the book, remember these are generalized guidelines.
It takes a reductionist viewpoint of fertility. We look at the whole body. Not focusing on symptoms.
Next steps:
If you’ve read the book - made the changes and it hasn’t worked - book your free call to take a targeted/customized approach to your fertility - which includes your partner. Book a call (this call is for you AND your partner)
Resources from this episode:
What Vitamin D levels mean for Fertility
How To Protect Your Fertility From EMF exposure
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Book your free Supercharge Your Fertility Discovery call. We’ll come up with a simple plan to help you move forward…towards your dream of having your baby. Don't forget to check out my Resources page for more information and products that will help you on your fertility journey.
- Category_Podcast,
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- egg health fertility,
- functional medicine and hormones,
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- functional medicine for pregnancy,
- functional nutrition and fertility,
- functional nutrition fertility,
- functional testing fertility,
- it starts with the egg,
- low amh,
- low amh and infertility,
- low amh success stories,
- unexplained infertility,
- wifi and infertility