Today's question is: How do we improve low sperm counts?
Welcome to our daily Q&A show - Ask The Fertility Experts. We're answering your fertility questions so that you can optimize your chances of pregnancy success with your own eggs. We specialize in low AMH, high FSH, diminished ovarian reserve, and premature ovarian insufficiency.
To submit your question send me a DM (direct message) on Instagram @fabfertileinc - https://www.instagram.com/fabfertileinc/ We''ll answer your question on an upcoming episode.
I'm Sarah Clark, Founder of Fab Fertile Inc. and your host. Today a member of the Fab Fertile team joins me - Dr. Tabatha Barber. Dr. Tabatha is triple board certified in obstetrics and gynecology, menopause, and functional medicine.
05:10- TODAY’S QUESTION: How Do We Improve Low Sperm Counts?
- What studies are showing with male factor infertility
- Sometimes the semen analysis isn’t even looked at
- The recommended lifestyle changes for men (they need to take care of themselves)
- Inflammation, overworking, and the effects of alcohol on sperm
- “There is a ton of stuff men can do to optimize their sperm count.”
- “You have so much opportunity to improve your situation.”
- Does he need a coach? How would that help?
- Avoiding soy, keeping your estrogen levels down (man boobs!)
- What if your partner is not looking to make changes? “Lead by example.”
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Got questions? Join the Fab Fertile Support Group for motivation, support, and education so that you can prepare for pregnancy success.
Connect with Sarah on social media and learn more about functional fertility solutions that will help you have your baby.
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