I’m excited to welcome Belinda and Larry Wurn to the podcast.
Today we’re digging into using physical therapy to break up adhesions - also known as scar tissue.
Larry Wurn, LMT, is the CEO of Clear Passage Therapies. Belinda Wurn is Director of Services for Clear Passage, a network of physical therapy clinics in North America and the United Kingdom treating pain, female infertility, bowel obstruction, and sexual dysfunction, non-surgically. She co-developed the Wurn Technique®, a non-surgical treatment for these and other adhesion-related conditions.
Over time, they found their work improved fertility for many women, and replaced major surgery for some serious adhesion-related conditions. Published studies measure the effects of their work in conditions previously only treated by surgery – including blocked fallopian tubes and small bowel obstructions.
Did you know that many of us have scar tissue or adhesions? These adhesions can develop after traumatic events such as surgery, car accidents, sexual abuse, fibroids, endometriosis, PCOS, bladder infections, hormonal imbalances and more.
We believe in a functional approach to fertility, which addresses all the stressors in the body. Such as food sensitivities, gut infections, environmental toxins exposure, mental emotional stress and structural stress.
Many times during the fertility journey we focus a lot on mental emotions stress (and while this is essential), if the other stressors are not addressed – healing opportunities can be missed.
If you believe surgery is your only option - let's look at scar tissue/adhesions in a whole NEW light.
This technique is supported by medical studies published in Fertility and Sterility and more. Learn more here.
In this episode you'll learn:
1) What are adhesions also known as scar tissue and how do they imapct fertility
2) How to know if you have adhesions
3) How this treatment helps with fibroids, unexplained infertility, endometriosis, PCOS, blocked fallopian tubes and hormonal imbalances
4) How long it takes for the treatment to work and what the medial studies tell us about the effeciacy.
Resources from this episode:
Need mindset support for 2020? Class begins January 30th, 2020. Registration is now open. Early bird prices/bonuses endon Tuesday January 21st at midnight PST. Register here.
Sponsored by: BLUBlox (Sleep+ is the world’s most advanced blue and green light blocking glasses addressing the exact frequencies of light required after dark to optimally produce melatonin for restorative sleep and health) Visit BLUBlox website at: https://www.blublox.com Use coupon code: getpregnantpodcast to recieve 15% discount. Free shipping worldwide.
Book your free Supercharge Your Fertility Discovery call. We’ll come up with a simple plan to help you move forward…towards your dream of having your baby. Don't forget to check out my Resources page for more information and products that will help you on your fertility journey.
Did you know that many of us have scar tissue or adhesions? These adhesions can develop after traumatic events such as surgery, car accidents, sexual abuse, fibroids, endometriosis, PCOS, bladder infections, hormonal imbalances and more.
We believe in a functional approach to fertility, which addresses all the stressors in the body. Such as food sensitivities, gut infections, environmental toxins exposure, mental emotional stress and structural stress.
Many times during the fertility journey we focus a lot on mental emotions stress (and while this is essential), if the other stressors are not addressed – healing opportunities can be missed.
If you've been told thatt surgery is your only option for scar tissue/adhesions - or that nothing can be done, it's time to look at this issue completely differently.
In this episode you'll learn:
1) What are adhesions (also known as scar tissue) and how they impact fertility
2) How to know if you have adhesions
3) How this treatment helps with fibroids, unexplained infertility, endometriosis, PCOS, blocked fallopian tubes and hormonal imbalances
4) How long the treatment works and what the medical studies tell us about efficacy.
Resources from this episode:
Need mindset support for 2020? Class begins January 30th, 2020. Registration is now open. Early bird price/bonuses end on Tuesday January 21st at midnight PST. Learn more here.
Sponsored by: BLUBlox (Sleep+ is the world’s most advanced blue and green light blocking glasses addressing the exact frequencies of light required after dark to optimally produce melatonin for restorative sleep and health) Visit BLUBlox website at: https://www.blublox.com Use coupon code: getpregnantpodcast to recieve 15% discount. Free shipping worldwide.
Book your free Supercharge Your Fertility Discovery call. We’ll come up with a simple plan to help you move forward…towards your dream of having your baby. Don’t forget to check out my Resources page for more information and products that will help you on your fertility journey.
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