Ozempic Babies: Weight Loss Drugs And The Impact On Fertility with Betty Murray
Jun 17, 2024

We’re digging into the impact of using Ozempic when you are TTC.
Ozempic, a drug used to treat diabetes, is getting a lot of attention as celebrities have described using it to lose a lot of weight in short time frames.
Search “Ozempic babies” on TikTok and you’ll see quite a few videos declaring surprise pregnancies (Ozempic also reduces the efficacy of oral birth control).
You may have been told to lose weight to get pregnant or for IVF.
Today we discuss the pros and cons of Ozempic and similar GLP-1 agonists and what you need to know if you are TTC.
I’m excited to welcome Betty Murray to the podcast. Betty Murray, MS, CN, IFMCP is a Certified Nutritionist and Institute for Functional Medicine Certified Practitioner (IFMCP). She possesses a Master of Science in Human Nutrition Science and Integrative & Functional Nutrition and is currently completing her Ph.D. dissertation at Saybrook University.
In this episode, you'll learn:
- How Ozempic and GLP-1 agonists impact hormones and fertility
- Risks and side effects of Ozempic (what the studies tell us)
- Why having sufficient information before making decisions about healthcare or starting any drug is critical and what informed consent means
- Dosing (consider compounding pharmacy) and how to prevent all the weight from coming back
- Betty’s health journey and how it led to her changing fields and becoming a nutritionist
- Often we’re asking the wrong person for insights into the impact of nutrition
- It’s important to have a team with a functional medicine approach
- There's been a whole spring of Ozempic babies coming up because people are going on this to lose weight and next thing you know, they're pregnant by surprise
- Fertility is a metabolic thing, not just a sex hormone thing.
- The difference between GLP-1 & GIP agonists
- Popularity of Ozempic compared with the 90s fen-phen craze
- How Ozempic works and differences with Mounjaro
- A lot of people say Ozempic helps a little bit with the food noise.
- Some of the potential digestive system side effects
- Increased doses are more effective for weight loss but increase the risk of digestive system side effects.
- What the research shows about the potentially significant loss of muscle mass
- They're starting to see that for some people that may have alcohol use disorder or binge eating and things like that, there seems to be a positive effect.
- There’s a time and place for these medications
- If you have 15-20 lbs to lose, this isn’t the drug for you.
- As you withdraw, your body function returns to what it was before
- For long term results, it’s crucial to work on diet and lifestyle changes alongside these medications
- Your sex hormones are intimately tied to the metabolic hormones like insulin and glucagon and your thyroid
- Dramatic weight loss is seen by the body as a stress response.
- Stopping of the period is a sign that there's something metabolically wrong.
- We don't have large population data to show that taking this medication is safe in the long term.
- Compounding pharmacies are mixing it for you and that doesn't necessarily mean that it has a perfect level every single time
- What to think bout when choosing a compounding pharmacy
- If you’re thinking of taking one of these medications, you should plan to be on it for a long time
- You have to change the lifestyle and deal with the metabolic cards you've been dealt.
- Foundational principles to follow when it comes to your diet
- We have to become a healthier version of ourselves and keep it. That's the ultimate goal.
- Everybody's slightly nuanced in how their body metabolizes food.
- Sleep is the cornerstone of optimal health and optimal fertility
- Download your free sleep guide - A Woman's Giude to Kick A$$ Sleep: https://sleep.hormoneshelp.com/
Fab Fertile Method - https://fabfertile.com/pages/what-we-do
Connect with Betty Murray
- Download your free sleep guide here - A Woman's Guide to Kick A$$ Sleep: https://sleep.hormoneshelp.com/
- Website: BettyMurray.com
- Facebook: BettyAMurrayCN
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Eating for your fertility does not have to suck and it is not about deprivation. It’s about eating food that tastes amazing and nourishes your body as you prepare for pregnancy success.
I’m excited to announce that our Spring Fertility Recipe Guide is ready! I worked with a chef/nutrition background to prepare these spring recipes. In this 5-day challenge you’ll learn how food impacts your body while enjoying delicious meals - no you will not be drinking green juice and starving! Start this challenge today with your partner.
Your free guide includes a meal plan, grocery shopping list and everything you need to get started with nourishing foods that improve your chances of pregnancy success.
Join my FREE Facebook group and get my training on How To Improve Pregnancy Success With Your Own Eggs.
Book your Supercharge Your Fertility Discovery call here with your partner
During our call, we’ll be discussing what you have tried so far and where you’ve faced challenges. This can feel stressful but is designed to help us get to the root cause of your fertility issues and will help me to give you the best possible action plan at the end of the call. However, to reassure you – on this call we won’t be digging into the trauma associated with infertility/miscarriage/loss – rather we are focused on solutions and an ACTION PLAN as to how our Fab Fertile Method can help you get pregnant naturally.
Connect with Sarah on social media and learn more about functional fertility solutions that will help you have your baby.
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Twitter: https://twitter.com/fabfertile
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sarahclarkfertilitycoach/
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