Why Genomic Testing Can Help With Recurrent Pregnancy Loss, Birth Outcomes and Preconception Health
Apr 22, 2024

We’re digging into genetic testing to improve pregnancy success and prevent or decrease the risk of pregnancy loss.
At Fab Fertile, we’ve been offering genetic/genomic testing as part of our method for years.
This genetic testing is very different from the testing you would receive from your conventional doctor.
Our genetic testing looks at specific gene variants and makes specific diet/lifestyle recommendations and supplements that can support your genes. Your genes are not your destiny, and there are targeted steps you can take to optimize your fertility and pregnancy success.
I’m excited to announce that we have an even better genetic test that helps improve pregnancy outcomes.
Designed to improve preconception health, birth outcomes, recurrent miscarriage, gestational diabetes and preeclampsia, the GrowBaby test identifies pathways that need support and helps us determine a customized plan based on your DNA.
Let’s learn about a personalized approach that can improve pregnancy outcomes and prepare you and your baby for optimal health.
I'm excited to welcome Helen Gautschi to the podcast. Helen is a registered dietician (SA) and holds a Bachelor of Science in Dietetics (Honours) degree from Stellenbosch University in South Africa. She is also the Head of Research and Development and Education at DNAlife, which offers the GrowBaby genetic test.
In this episode, you'll learn about:
- How the GrowBaby test can improve birth outcomes and prevent or decrease the risk for preeclampsia and gestational/pregnancy-induced hypertension, gestational diabetes and miscarriage or pregnancy loss
- How to support each pathway with specific diet/lifestyle and supplement recommendations (we review all the pathways on the test, including detoxification, methylation, vitamin D, melatonin and inflammation)
- Why the preconception period is so essential for healthy pregnancy and baby, and specific steps you can take right now to improve healthy birth outcomes
- Genetic testing is very empowering because you can get individualized recommendations
- What makes the GrowBaby test different from genetic testing at the fertility clinic
- A huge part of the fertility journey is making sure you’re supporting your biological pathways
- Your genetics are not your destiny.
- We want to make sure there’s a measurable outcome at the end of the day.
- The GrowBaby test helps to empower you to improve birth outcomes
- We’re trying to achieve babies born right on time, which is a big factor when it comes to health.
- There’s very interesting research showing that you should be looking at the genetic variants for both mom and dad
- This test can potentially point to what caused the pregnant loss and offer targeted suggestions to reduce the risk of it recurring
- Areas that often contribute to pregnancy loss are related to the MTHFR gene, vitamin D receptors, and progesterone receptors.
- Understanding if you have specific genetic variants allows you to target specific nutrient recommendations.
- We’re often focusing on the wrong biomarkers.
- Get Pregnant Naturally | Episode 349: Why Autism Matters When You Are TTC and How To Improve Preconception Health
- Stress that mom has been exposed to may impact how baby handles stress hormones at that very early stage.
- When certain genes are not functioning optimally, there's an an altered ability to manage your stress hormones which leads to increased risk for being on the spectrum.
- The best time to intervene to decrease risk is preconception.
- The GrowBaby test looks at and scores a number of genetic pathways to indicate whether you need typical pregnancy recommendations or elevated support because you carry many variations
- Benefits and risks of the different genetic variants in relation to lipid metabolism
- Diet and lifestyle recommendations to support lipid metabolism, including selenium supplementation
- Markers that indicate your level of chronic low-grade inflammation
- Pregnancy causes a bit of an inflamed state.
- Excessive inflammation can trigger a high immune response and increased oxidative stress which are associated with things like preterm birth
- We don't want a lot of oxidative stress when we're looking at a healthy placenta.
- How omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D together can help to reduce inflammatory gene expression
- Blue and red foods help to regulate how inflammatory genes are expressed
- Barriers around weight management
- There are a lot of factors besides the old school “calories in, calories out” way of thinking
- The two phases of detoxification
- If there’s an imbalance between the two stages, there’s an increased risk of oxidative stress.
- Toxin overload can lead to an increased risk for mental health disorder, skin issues, asthma, and more
- Sometimes people focus on the fertility diagnosis and forget to look at the rest of the body
- The best approach is to get yourself into a good space pre-pregnancy and then during pregnancy, focus on supportive nutrients.
- Get Pregnant Naturally | Episode 396: What The MTHFR Gene Variant Means For Your Fertility
- You’ll want to take methylfolate instead of folic acid supplements.
- Methylation helps with protecting your genes when they should be switched on and off.
- With the correct intervention everything can go really smoothly
- Methylation is connected to every area that you think about in a healthy pregnancy.
- Look at where you can avoid folic acid
- Food and supplements to support your methylation pathyways
- Melatonin metabolism together with your insulin sensitivity are related to increased risk for gestational diabetes
- Focus on the nutrients that support your insulin sensitivity
- Looking at the receptor can tell us about our response to supplementation
- Adequate vitamin D during pregnancy can significantly reduce the risk for asthma, and autoimmune disorders in your child.
- Get into the sun.
- Hormonal balance is crucial for maintaining pregnancy.
- You may need to prophylactically start progresterone supplementation if you have specific variants
- Research shows that supplementing the male partner according to their genetics improves pregnancy outcomes
- Get Pregnant Naturally | Episode 336: How To Improve Low Sperm Count, Motility and DNA Fragmentation
- Vitamin D is critical for semen quality.
- Transgenerational health goes back for generations.
Fab Fertile Method - https://fabfertile.com/pages/what-we-do
Prepare your body for a successful pregnancy with Fab For Life Naturals Fertility Collection. Get professional-grade supplements designed to support reproductive health for men and women.
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Access our foundational supplements for low AMH and/or high FSH here - https://fabfertile.com/collections/supplements
Ultimate Guide to Getting Pregnant This Year If You Have Low AMH/High FSH
Top Fertility Supplements You Need To Get Pregnant This Year - Access your free guide at www.suppguideffl.com
Get Pregnant Naturally | Related Episodes
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I get this question all the time: Where should I start to optimize pregnancy success?
I developed the Fertility Preparation Bundle https://fabfertile.com/products/fertility-preparation-bundle so that you can quickly figure out how food impacts your health AND fertility (plus you'll also get three (3) of our most popular fertility supplements that will optimize egg health).
This 10-day plan is to figure out exactly how food is impacting your fertility. And no, you will not be drinking green juice and starving.
It’s GENUINELY what we recommend to our clients to help improve pregnancy success (especially if you have low AMH/high FSH).
Get started here https://fabfertile.com/products/fertility-preparation-bundle and use code LAUNCH15 to save 15% (US residents only).
Eating for your fertility does not have to suck and it is not about deprivation. It’s about eating food that tastes amazing and nourishes your body as you prepare for pregnancy success.
I’m excited to announce that our Spring Fertility Recipe Guide is ready! I worked with a chef/nutrition background to prepare these spring recipes. In this 5-day challenge you’ll learn how food impacts your body while enjoying delicious meals - no you will not be drinking green juice and starving! Start this challenge today with your partner.
Your free guide includes a meal plan, grocery shopping list and everything you need to get started with nourishing foods that improve your chances of pregnancy success.
Join my FREE Facebook group and get my training on How To Improve Pregnancy Success With Your Own Eggs.
Book your Supercharge Your Fertility Discovery call here with your partner
During our call, we’ll be discussing what you have tried so far and where you’ve faced challenges. This can feel stressful but is designed to help us get to the root cause of your fertility issues and will help me to give you the best possible action plan at the end of the call. However, to reassure you – on this call we won’t be digging into the trauma associated with infertility/miscarriage/loss – rather we are focused on solutions and an ACTION PLAN as to how our Fab Fertile Method can help you get pregnant naturally.
Connect with Sarah on social media and learn more about functional fertility solutions that will help you have your baby.
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Twitter: https://twitter.com/fabfertile
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sarahclarkfertilitycoach/
LEAVE APPLE PODCASTS REVIEW: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/get-pregnant-naturally/id1329414094
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