3 Factors That May Be Holding You Back From Pregnancy and How To Fast Track Success
Jan 02, 2023

We’re digging into common mistakes we see on the fertility journey.
I started the Get Pregnant Naturally podcast five (5) years ago on January 1, 2018.
In the beginning, I recorded with audio only because the thought of doing video was too intimidating. I like to prepare my episodes beforehand, so I thought it would look weird if I were always referring to my notes.
After recording 383 episodes of the podcast, I’m well past the point of caring what I look like on camera or sound like on audio. The main point is to provide value to you, the listener.
After all, I’m on a mission to spread the word about the power of functional medicine, nutrition, and natural fertility solutions.
I curate each episode with you, the listener, in mind. The topics are endless as the fertility journey impacts all aspects of our lives. I get inspiration from our clients, my followers on social media, and members of the Fab Fertile community.
To date, we have over 760,000 downloads from listeners all over the world.
I am humbled and grateful that you are here and that you spend your precious time listening to each episode. It really does mean the world to me.
So as we begin the New Year, I want you to know that you are not alone. The journey to conceive can take over your life, but can you choose to reframe your experience and trust deep in your heart that your baby's soul is here now.
I want you to have a plan for 2023 to improve your chances of pregnancy success.
In this episode, you'll learn:
- How to stop wasting time and fast-track pregnancy success (hint: it's not about consuming the latest fertility superfoods or starting fad diets)
- Why focusing on the basics shifts the needle faster
- This one theme we see with couples and how it can strain your relationship
- The sheer amount of information available on the internet is overwhelming
- How do you know which recommendations will work for you?
- It’s vital that you take a personalized, customized approach.
- The best time to start is right now.
- First steps to take when you’re ready to commit to the fertility journey
- The Fab Fertile Fertility Preparation Program
- Why we start all our clients with an elimination diet
- Trends we see with our clients with low AMH/high FSH
- The fertility journey is more effective with both partners
- The importance of digging deeper into missed healing opportunities
- Fab Fertile | Articles & Podcast Episodes on Gluten
- Set an intention for your fertility journey
- The lab tests alone aren’t enough
- Pillar #1: Diet - Address the diet and identify a diet that’s right for you
- Food sensitivity tests are an important step in repairing your gut
- Pillar #2 Sleep - Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep per night
- Sleep trumps everything.
- Common reasons your sleep may be poor and how to improve it
- Get Pregnant Naturally episodes about sleep
- Pillar #3 Movement - You should be aiming for a 6 out of 10 in intensity
- Low-intensity movement options our clients love
- Get Pregnant Naturally videos on exercise and movement for fertility
- Pillar #4 Stress - Making space in your life for your future child
- Get Pregnant Naturally | Episode 376: Would quitting your job help you to get pregnant faster?
- It’s time to get back to joy.
- What you can learn from heart rate variability
- We have to address the mental and emotional aspect as well
- It’s okay to step back.
- Working on the foundational elements improves your reproductive health
- We recommend both partners having their own plan for optimizing pregnancy success
- Coaching your partner is a recipe for disaster
- How we work with couples to identify and address any issues
- How we support clients in achieving their fertility goals
- Get Pregnant Naturally | Episode 341: Why A Healthy Vaginal Microbiome Matters When You Are TTC
- Success Story: AMH of 0.04 and told donor eggs are her only option
- Success Story: Multiple failed IVF cycles, FSH in the 80s, and told donor eggs were the only option
- We want our next success story to be you!
Fab Fertile Method - https://fabfertile.com/pages/what-we-do
The Fab Fertile Fertility Preparation Program
Ready to get a plan for 2023 so that you can have your baby?
In this personalized consultation, you receive a full review of your fertility history so that we can develop a plan that can improve your chances of pregnancy success with your own eggs.
Book your call here with your partner: https://bit.ly/fabfertileapp
Tracking your hormones is essential but getting bloodwork each month can be time consuming and expensive.
I'm excited to introduce you to the Inito fertility monitor, an easy, at-home fertility tracker that gives accurate results, while cutting down on your time and expenses.
Inito not only tells you when you're the most fertile by measuring estrogen and LH but also confirms if you’ve actually ovulated by measuring progesterone.
If you’re ready to start tracking your fertility easily at home, go to Inito.com and use code FABFERTILE15 to save 15% on your fertility tracker.
Please note when promoting a product we only select products that either Sarah Clark or her team has tried and believe are beneficial for someone who is TTC. We may receive a small commission.
Get Pregnant Naturally | Related Episodes
- Episode 346: How To Know If IVF Is Your Next Best Step
- Episode 364: Why This is My TOP Suggestion For Anyone On The Fertility Journey
Eating for your fertility does not have to suck. It's not about deprivation, it’s eating food that tastes amazing and nourishes your body as you prepare for pregnancy success.
Our Winter Fertility Recipe Guide is ready for you! Grab your FREE copy at FertilityDietFreebie.com.
Your free guide includes a meal plan, grocery shopping list and everything you need to get started with nourishing foods that improve your chances of pregnancy success.
This is a 5-day challenge where you’ll learn how food impacts your body. You won't be drinking green juice and starving. Start this challenge today with your partner.
Book your Supercharge Your Fertility Discovery call here with your partner
During our call, we’ll be discussing what you have tried so far and where you’ve faced challenges. This can feel stressful but is designed to help us get to the root cause of your fertility issues and will help me to give you the best possible action plan at the end of the call. However, to reassure you – on this call we won’t be digging into the trauma associated with infertility/miscarriage/loss – rather we are focused on solutions and an ACTION PLAN as to how our Fab Fertile Method can help you get pregnant naturally.
Got questions? Join the Fab Fertile Support Group for motivation, support, and education so that you can prepare for pregnancy success.
Connect with Sarah on social media and learn more about functional fertility solutions that will help you have your baby.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fabfertileinc/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sesacoaching/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fabfertile
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sarahclarkfertilitycoach/
LEAVE APPLE PODCASTS REVIEW: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/get-pregnant-naturally/id1329414094
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Find all our resources here: https://fabfertile.com/pages/resources
When we link to products, those links may be affiliate links. If you click on any of those affiliate links, we’ll earn a small commission. The commission is paid by the retailers at no cost to you.
We’re careful to link to the products and retailers we use and recommend. Money earned keeps Fab Fertile Inc. running and allows us to do what we love for a living. Thank you for your support.
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