Why Optimizing Thyroid Matters For Low AMH, High FSH and Antral Follicle Count
Aug 14, 2023

We're digging into why thryoid health matters for low AMH/high FSH.
Our Fab Fertile Method includes a deep dive into your health utilizing cutting-edge functional tests and addressing biochemical and mental-emotional stressors.
A theme we see with primary ovarian insufficiency, diminished ovarian reserve, low AMH, and high FSH is thyroid dysfunction.
And looking at the TSH is NOT the answer.
I know you may have been told that our thyroid is normal, but something is being missed.
Thyroid dysfunction can result in:
- Anovulatory cycles
- Menstrual irregularities or heavy bleeding
- Low libido
- Luteal phase defects
- High prolactin
- Sex hormone imbalances
- Reduced DHEA, which may cause hormone imbalances and low sex hormone levels
- Failure to sustain a fertilized egg
- Low antral follicle count (AFC)
- Low anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH), a measure of ovarian reserve
- High follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)
- Early pregnancy loss (<20 weeks)
It is not about rushing to IVF or thinking donor ages are your only option. This is not the fast track to pregnancy success
The fast track to pregnancy success is working on our health. You’ll either get pregnant naturally or if you do need IVF, you’ll improve your chances of it working.
In this episode, you'll learn:
- What the studies tell us about thyroid health and AMH
- Optimal reference ranges for thyroid health (why being told everything is normal only wastes time as crucial healing opportunities are missed)
- How thyroid health impacts egg quality
- Specific strategies to improve thyroid health (i.e. food sensitivities, gut health, iron deficiency, adrenal insufficiency etc.)
- Get Pregnant Naturally Podcast
- Episode 44: The Link Between Thyroid Dysfunction And Fertility
- Episode 345: Why Improving Thyroid Function Is Essential When You Are TTC
- Episode 234: How to Know if the Thyroid is Functionally Optimally for Pregnancy Success
- Common scenarios many of us encounter with conventional doctors testing thyroid function
- How TSH impacts fertility
- Research Study: What affects functional ovarian reserve, thyroid function or thyroid autoimmunity?
- Keeping TSH levels below 3 seems to improve AMH levels
- Why it’s essential to get a full thyroid panel
- Research Study: Effect of hypothyroidism and thyroid autoimmunity on the ovarian reserve: A systematic review and meta-analysis
- Hypothyroidism can affect the ovarian reserve.
- These studies give us hope that we can make positive changes
- The thyroid is super-responsive.
- The ovarian, adrenal, and thyroid systems have a knock-on effect on each other
- You can't consider the thyroid outside of the context of the ovaries and the adrenals.
- This feedback loop is present for both males and females
- Get Pregnant Naturally | Episode 400: How To Address Men's Reproductive Health (It’s a myth sperm doesn't decline with age!)
- We're not just supporting conception; we're trying to support a healthy pregnancy and baby at the other end of it.
- Why it’s important to have your thyroid function checked routinely during pregnancy
- If you’ve had irregular cycles, looking at thyroid function is key.
- What to do if you recognize some of the symptoms of thyroid issues
- TSH is a good indicator but it doesn’t give the full picture.
- Having your TSH levels within the normal or optimal range doesn’t mean there aren’t issues with your thyroid function
- How a full thyroid panel can help to inform a customized approach to improve your fertility
- The thyroid is a very active gland so it’s important to monitor your levels and adjust accordingly
- Get Pregnant Naturally | Episode 373: How to Address Hyperthyroidism or Graves' to Improve Pregnancy Outcomes with Dr. Eric Osansky
- Optimal ranges for the key markers we recommend to be included in a full thyroid panel
- Why we need to look at thyroid antibodies
- How liver and gut imbalances can impact thyroid function
- The gut drives so much of our overall health.
- Whether or not you need thyroid medication, we need to address the root cause
- The thyroid is the canary in the coal mine.
- Get Pregnant Naturally
- Just because you can do a lot doesn’t mean you should.
- The problem with the extractive nature of our modern world
- Give back to yourself physically, mentally and emotionally
- Why it’s essential to prioritize yourself as much as possible
- Minimizing common toxin exposures
- Considering thyroid health in the context of an iron panel
- How to identify food sensitivities
- Get Pregnant Naturally | Episode 371: Why An Iron Deficiency Matters When TTC and How To Improve Pregnancy Success with Katy Bradbury
Fab Fertile Method - https://fabfertile.com/pages/what-we-do
Ultimate Guide to Getting Pregnant This Year If You Have Low AMH/High FSH
Top Fertility Supplements You Need To Get Pregnant This Year - send an email to hello@fabfertile.ca to get your free guide
Eating for your fertility does not have to suck and it is not about deprivation. It’s about eating food that tastes amazing and nourishes your body as you prepare for pregnancy success.
I’m excited to announce that our Summer Fertility Recipe Guide is ready! I worked with a chef/nutrition background to prepare these summer recipes. In this 5-day challenge you’ll learn how food impacts your body while enjoying delicious meals - no you will not be drinking green juice and starving! Start this challenge today with your partner.
Your free guide includes a meal plan, grocery shopping list and everything you need to get started with nourishing foods that improve your chances of pregnancy success.
I'm excited to announce the launch of our Fab For Life Naturals Fertility Collection! Fab For Life Naturals Fertility Collection. FFLNaturals.com
Get professional-grade supplements designed to support reproductive health for men and women. Prepare your body for a successful pregnancy with Fab For Life Naturals Fertility Collection.
Visit FFLNaturals.com and use code LAUNCH15 to save 15%.
Get Pregnant Naturally | Related Episodes
- Episode 407: The Ultimate Diet For Egg And Sperm Health
- Episode 389: Want to get pregnant this year?
Join my FREE Facebook group and get my training on How To Improve Pregnancy Success With Your Own Eggs.
Book your Supercharge Your Fertility Discovery call here with your partner
During our call, we’ll be discussing what you have tried so far and where you’ve faced challenges. This can feel stressful but is designed to help us get to the root cause of your fertility issues and will help me to give you the best possible action plan at the end of the call. However, to reassure you – on this call we won’t be digging into the trauma associated with infertility/miscarriage/loss – rather we are focused on solutions and an ACTION PLAN as to how our Fab Fertile Method can help you get pregnant naturally.
Connect with Sarah on social media and learn more about functional fertility solutions that will help you have your baby.
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LEAVE APPLE PODCASTS REVIEW: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/get-pregnant-naturally/id1329414094
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